This was fantastic walk from Sewerby around the coast and heading to Flamborough Head by the England Coastal Path. I was lucky with the weather but the going was hard work as you head north and the trail turns to heavy, wet mud. The path is mainly turf, or quagmire, dependent on the local drainage.
A spell of dry weather and no more rain from storms like Storm Ciarán (around the time of the walk) would help!
I parked next to the Methodist Church in Sewerby. Foolishly, the council close the public car park in the winter and it isn’t accessible until March next year. Expect to be sniffed at by lots of well-behaved dogs but they, and their owners soon fall behind as you head north.
As seems to be typical walking off the North Sea, thye day started grim and obvercast. It still looks beautiful in my eyes, but it was pleasant to see blue skies gradually appear, miraculously as forecast…

The approach to Danes Dyke Beach:

It’s an beach full of chalk cliffs and the sea has rounded the chalk stones into many different sized ‘egg’ shapes.

Then it’s up and steps (yet again…) but the day was distinctly improving with blue skies and white clouds slowly appearing:

And just about to spot South Landing Beach in the distance:

It’s another beautiful spot with large limestone rocks rounded by the sea.

Ascending again:

At this point it has become a beautiful day with big blue skies and clouds (my favourite)…

Unfortunately the path starts to turn into mud at this stage and walking is hard work!

I battled on, enjoying scenery but not the footing:

This is where I stopped and turned back. The ground was seriously muddy and claggy which saps energy. Ahead was a sharp incline that I would have had to slither down on my backside with little chance of getting back up it!
The last picture picture before turning back:

I walked to Flamborough village and caught the bus back to Sewerby. Timetable here.
It’s a beautiful place but the path is walkable dependent on the weather. November 2023 had a shocking amnount of rain and named storms, so it’s no surprise the ground was in such a state. It woulkd be nice to go back in drier conditions.
And lastly, some videos of the walk: