This was a walk in north Yorkshire from Robin Hood’s Bay to Whitby via the Cleveland Way on an unusually sunny and warm day in November 2021. It’s got to be one of my favourite walks with blue sky full of many different sorts of clouds and dark seas below. At times, it was very blustery but remained warm.
It’s hard to get very good pictures with the sun so low in the sky and I struggled to take them without my shadow appearing! My camera, an antique Canon 30D takes good pictures but it does benefit from stronger sunlight. I’m still pleased with many of the pictures but it doesn’t quite capture the glory of the day.

It was at this point I did think about turning back. The streams (know locally as becks) means many descents and ascents on the Cleveland Way. There was a bit of a bit of muttering about ‘the joy of becks’ at this stage. The steps can be very slippery, especially the sections that are smoothed stone covered in mud.
I thought I’d walked further but I’d only done less than half way. Fortunately I’m stubborn, so I carried on and hoped for more level walking. Silly me!

God bless Colin Thompson and his bench!

I’m not sure it’s wise to obstruct the first view of Whitby Abbey from the south with a caravan park:

After that, it’s the descent via the 199 Steps to Whitby.
To be honest, I didn’t find Whitby very inspiring, hence no pictures. If you like places full of older, aimless and bored tourists looking in shop windows, it will suit you well. The lack of friendliness and engagement is a complete contrast to that of walkers I met on the way.
The bus back to Robin Hood’s Bay was welcome!
It’s the most wonderful walk along the coast with beautiful views and big skies but it is a challenge if you aren’t very fit (like me). However, I’d do it again like a shot!
These pictures and videos are @Aidan Parr 2021, so please ask permission if you want to use them. I’ll probably say ‘yes’!