This was a circular walk starting in the village of Biggin in the Peak District, through Biggin Dale to the River Dove, south by the river and then cross country to the Tissington Trail and then north, finally cross-country west back to Biggin.
Here’s a map of the route and GPX file you can download – click on more details to get it:
[Waymark map_id=”2496″]
I parked opposite The Waterloo Inn facing west. Then it’s a short road walk to Biggin Dale – watch out for some traffic and some sharp bends, although it’s mostly quiet.

Then you can see the River Dove in the distance…

It’s a lovely walk down the river heading south:
Until you get to this cottage, if a cottage is what it is? I then turned west to get to the Tissington Trail… it’s well signposted!

Then a fabulous cross-country wal, with decent paths:
Then it’s simply up the ramp and walk north up the Tissington Trail until you get to the exit for Biggin itself.

Because I’ve walked this route before, you’ll find better pictures here.
I actually chose to walk across fields back to Biggin but please be wary, especially if there are cows with calves. They can be aggressive if they think you are too near their babies!
I foolishly didn’t bring a spare battery for my camera, so you’ll have to take the rest of the walk yourself?
I thoroughly recommend a walk through Biggin Dale and alongside the Rover Dove.
As you may have noticed, I’ve started to use an Image Slider for pictures. It’s easier for me to do than adding lots and lots of individual pictures and it gives a break between sections of the walk. Feedback about how useful it is for readers is welcome…
And lastly, some videos of the day:
Oh Aidan, how did I miss this? By not going to Blue Sky for a month, that’s how. Oddly, thought I had your blog on my list, but this one didn’t show. Anyway, my apologies for being such a slow coach. This is a beautiful walk and the photos are gorgeous. I like the slider and the videos very much. They really help to give the feeling of being there. You’re blessed with such lovely scenery there. Is it close to home now?
I’m sure you’ve got other things to do, Val! Glad you like the slider to view the pictures: it’s actually easier than putting individual pictures up which makes for an easier post. It was a lovely walk and probably one of my favourites. I must put the other ‘Biggin’ walks up. Two more to go…